Salts Wood
Salts Wood is a 13 hectare site off Hubbards Lane. Over 22,000 saplings were planted just a few years ago and the young trees are thriving. Pathways, including accessible paths, create a tranquil space accessible to all.
The woodland was planted with support from the Forestry Commission and will contribute to carbon capture and improve air quality for generations to come.
From the beginning of October we intend to extend the hard accessible path which will allow residents with push chairs, wheel chairs and mobility scooters to travel in a ‘loop’ around Salts Wood. Rather than just being accessible on a single ‘dead end’ track, far more of the wood will be available, especially during the wetter, muddier winter months. Of course this comes at a cost as the construction vehicles will need to block access for users over the course of October.
Please bear with us and we are sorry for any disruption. It will all be worth it in the long run!